Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rising Bob's Tactical Curved Forceps

Anyone that spends a lot of time on the water fishing, whether personally, or especially  guiding, understands just how easy it is to lose precious gear along the river. A couple seasons ago I was getting pretty good at losing my hemostat/scissors for some reason and went through at least 3 pairs!  The last pair I lost that season was by far my favorite, and I couldn't remember what brand they were. After another two or three pair of hemoscissors since then, I finally found and recognized "The Pair." I had been trying to find them ever since the river claimed them. I found them online at backcountry.com .  That pair just so happened to be Bob's Tactical curved scissors by Rising. They are very well built, right here in the great state of Utah. I have had similar products from Dr. Slick, Orvis, Anglers Accessories etc. Some have been okay and some have been awful, but none have come close to Rising's Bob's Tacticals.  The serrated scissors cut like a dream and don't act like they'll go dull anytime soon (which is a huge plus for me). They are comfortable with the bigger thumb loop in your hand and feel heavy duty and built to last. I have the 6 inch pair and even at that big the angled tips allows you to de barb smaller flies. Also, the tips are magnetic, which come in handy many times.Overall I am very impressed with these and hope that I don't lose them anytime soon. That being said I do guarantee I'll lose them before I wear them out because they are a quality American made product built with ingenuity and obvious dedication to doing a job right. If that's the case I will head out and find another pair to purchase. I did go with the red pair so if I drop them I will have a better shot at finding them. Rising throws in a small tube of oil to keep them oiled up and working smooth. This is the first product I've tried from Rising and wasn't let down so I'll have to check out their other products. Go check them out at risingfish.net and track down a dealer near you on their dealer locator.
Bob's Tactical hard at work

1 comment:

  1. Very usefully info for me on deciding my next purchase. Thanks for the Instagram giveaway by the way.

    Jared Walters AKA corehunting on Instagram.
